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The insights of La Saponaria

How to choose the right sunscreen for your skin?

In summer, entering any business that deals with health and beauty, you can not fail to be impressed by the wide range of solar: between hyperbolic claims and mysterious acronyms, Choosing the right protection for our needs could be a more difficult task than expected!

Why stains form on the face and how to remove them

Spots on the face: how they form? Why is it important to prevent them? And, above all, can we do something to minimize and eliminate those already present on our face?

Choose the best sunscreen for your face

Tanning brings with it certain risks for the skin, including the formation of sun spots and wrinkles. Often on returning from holiday, it is easy to notice small discolourations of the skin, particularly on the face. In this short guide we therefore see what advice we have for choosing the best anti-spot and anti-wrinkle cream for our face, thus combating UV damage.

The causes of skin aging

Chronological aging proceeds according to a predetermined program at the genetic level, because it is a natural process of senescence (aging) of cells.


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