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The insights of La Saponaria

Skin with redness and rosacea: causes and natural remedies

Fragile and sensitive skins are often prone to develop redness, couperose, and rosacea. The causes are several, but so are the solutions: let's unveil how to take care of these issues with natural remedies

If your skin is sensitive and fragile, it may develop redness, couperose, capillary fragility, or other issues that may lead to rosacea. We are about to share with you everything there is to know about couperose and rosacea, and to suggest you tips andr remedies to take care of your skin using natural remedies. Here there are the contents of this article:

Body and breast serum to firm up body skin

As time goes by, our skin loses its tone and elasticity and starts drooping. We can't stop time, but luckily we can use some tips and tricks to tone and firm up our skin.

Time flies, and as it goes by we make memories and experiences. Our body and our skin go through the same changes and challenges we live, getting less elastic and toned. We all would like to stop time or at least to make it run slower, but we all know this is not possible, and so we look for remedies to firm up our body and breast skin and feel better with ourselves. There exist specific products to use in combination with other solutions to tone the skin both of your arms and breast, and this is exactly what you are about to read:

Pimples on the back: causes and remedies to take care of this issue

Pimples on the back often cause itching, pain, and inflammation. However, there exist natural and gentle remedies to reduce their presence and to restore the natural balance of your skin. 

If you are looking for a remedy to take care of pimples on the back, you could use this article. Not only the issue of pimples on the back does cause pain and inflammation, but also it might alterate your mood. But there is no need to worry, since the presence of pimples is usually a temporary condition that goes away if you know what products to use and if you are patient enough to wait. 

Curly Girl Method: what it is and how to do it with organic and sustainable cosmetics

The Curly Girl Method, CGM/MCM or Curly Method in its short form, is becoming increasingly popular. Let's find out together what this method is and how to do it with organic and sustainable cosmetics branded La Saponaria.

Think about someone who has defined and glossing curly hair. Did you know that you can achieve the same result by following the Curly Girl Method? Now you do! The CGM is a method designed to naturally take care of curly hair and it is aimed at:

How to naturally strenghten fragile nails

Having fragile and dull nails is a very common issue whose causes are several, such as following an unhelathy diet, going through stressful periods of time, or being exposed to external agents. Let's break down the causes together to find out what the natural remedies to take care of fragile nails are.

Hands are our calling cards and having healthy and strong nails plays a major role in the aesthetic of our hands. What can we do if our nails tend to break? The issue of fragile nails is caused by different factors, but luckily there exist many remedies to make them stronger and longer. Reading through this article, you will find out tips and DIY remedies to naturally take care of fragile nails. Here there are the contents of the article:

Christmas Vibes: La Saponaria's Sustainable Christmas has come

What's in the air? It's La Saponaria's Christmas Vibes! Our idea of Christmas includes organic, green, zero-waste, and colorful products to be gifted to your beloved ones and to the future of the environment. Find out our news: the new Polar Piggy Banks, the eco-friendly Treasure Chests, the new Face, Body and Glow Sets! Discover our new Limited Editions, skin-friendly and people-lover!

What is the must-have of a Christmas present? It has to be made with love, it has to be sustainable, but also it has to be good and useful. This is the reason why La Saponaria's Christmas presents are so much loved: our gift ideas symbolise the love that we have for the environment and for the people who live in it, and they are aimed at making your skin beautiful and healthy with the lowest impact possible on the Earth. 

The cherry on top? These presents are low-cost, too!

Oily hair with dandruff: causes and remedies to get rid of it

Do you have oily hair and have already tried everything? Actually, it's not because of your hair, but it's due to your scalp, which needs care and pampering. In this article, we will recommend you some remedies for oily hair with dandruff and explain the right (and wrong!) steps to follow to finally have light and healthy hair!

Just like facial skin, which can be oily or combination, the scalp too can have this problem, often due to increased sebum production. But what is sebum? Sebum is a natural oily substance produced at the hair follicles' level, and it serves to keep the skin soft and hydrated, and it protects it from dust, pollutants, wind, and sunlight.

Leg capillaries: what they are and what to do to reduce their presence

Our body has approximately two billion capillaries that carry blood, oxygen, and other nutrients. Due to several causes, it may happen that capillaries get more fragile up to the point of breaking, thus becoming visible in certain areas of the legs. There are no remedies that can eliminate them forever, also because they are essential to our body. However, there exist remedies that can reduce the presence of leg capillaries.

Although they do not cause any particularly harmful symptom, broken capillaries often come with tired and heavy legs. Therefore, they may be something to be taken care of. To accept thei presence of broken capillaries is to make the first step to reduce them: being naturally present in our body, there is nothing to be ashamed of if your capillaries tend to break and to be visible. Nevertheless, if you are looking for remedies to reduce their presence, just know that if you follow a balanced lifestyle combined with a correct routine, your legs will experience a renewed sense of lightness!

Natural Makeup: why choosing organic cosmetics?

Makeup has a very long history, and although it has gone through different stages and trends, it has always existed. There is hundreds reasons why people wear makeup, as well as existing ways to wear it. Today, the industry of organic cosmetics is increansingly growing with people opting for natural products to create their looks. Not only does organic cosmetics come from certified agriculture, but also it allows to create natural and nude looks. 

This article is about natural makeup and organic cosmetics. If you wear makeup but you would like to change your habits, this is the right place to do so. On the other hand, if you are not makeup-fans because you appreciate more natural looks, there is nothing wrong with it! Wearing makeup is not mandatory, because appreciating yourself and expressing your identity is what most matters. Nevertheless, reading through this article you will find some tips to take care of your look and to enhance it, and why not, to try something new for a natural look. Here there are the contents of the article:

Silicones in cosmetics: everything you need to know

Silicones in Cosmetics: what they are, how to identify them, and why to choose or avoid them. La Saponaria has always chosen not to use them in its formulas. Today, it seems interesting to carify things on these much-debated ingredients that appear to be experiencing a resurgence.

Silicones in Cosmetics: the debate is open, and as often happens nowadays, opinions may be extremely polarized. When reading online, you can find those who love them, consider them necessary, and minimize any criticism of these ingredients, and there are those who have been avoiding them for years and years.

If one approaches the topic without a pre-established opinion and comes across some in-depth analysis aimed at supporting the thesis of love for silicones, one may wonder at the end of the reading why eco-friendly and organic companies have been seeking alternatives to these ingredients for decades. Probably, as Pirandello said, "truth does not exist," and it becomes really complicated for one to form their own opinion.

So, it is time to clarify this topic, trying to move away from the logic of demonization or mindless praise, but maintaining a critical and constructive attitude. Here are the points we will address in this article:

Silicones in Cosmetics:

Extreme Black natural eye pencil for incredibly intense looks

A black eye-pencil is a must-have in your makeup routine: every great makeup starts with it! It is very important to choose a natural eye pencil that is made with organic ingredients. Let's find out more on our new extreme Black Eye Pencil for incredibly intense looks and to complete our natural makeup

What is a cult in the history of makeup? Definitely a black eye pencil! Just a single stroke can make your look way more intense. Since it comes into contact with a very sensitive area, that is the eyes, it may cause itching and irritations. This is why it is advisable to choose natural products made with organic ingredients and with an identifiable INCI.

Enlarged pores: what are they and how to deal with them?

Pores are essential to the skin because they keep it in good conditions. Due to several reasons, it may happen that pores get larger, in particular in the T-zone, and that they appear as small holes. Let's get things straight: there is no need to be ashamed of enlarged pores, and although it is not possible to close them forever, there exist remedies to make them tighten.

Perfection doesn't exist, particulart when dealing about beauty! We have written this article to suggest you how to properly deal with enlarged pores by reducing their presence. This are the contents you are about to read: 

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